Jan 30, 2011

Stream video to your TV

Stream video to your TV can be the keywords from hell. Try these keywords on any search engine and expect 95 million plus results in .16 seconds, but then be prepared to waste anywhere between 16 seconds and 16 hours on finding a solution that works.

Here is a typical search result, opens in a new window so not too much of a distraction.

Stream video to your TV

Using Jing from TechSmith . Nice application so worth a plug here.

Take a picture or make a short video of what you see on your computer monitor.

IPTV is here to stay, and is delivered to your laptop or desktop in a multitude of processes and applications. All cool to this point, but how do we push that signal to the ordinary TV or big screen HDTV.?

IPTV can be a misnomer, because if you are viewing a stream on a laptop, desktop or mobile device then that is not a TV. A TV is still a TV which means an entirely different piece of hardware with  bigger screen and a superior audio experience.

This is where we need to drill down to two simple hardware solutions that actually work.

Then comes the issue of cables. If you are playing in this field then you are talking spaghetti junction with a mishmash of cables to die for. The solution does not need to be a field of dreams if you know where to look.

As soon as we envisage the cable conundrum we instantly think of a wireless solution as being a nice idea. Then comes that severe pang from the wallet nerve asking your inner processor “how much is this all going to cost.?”

Is your laptop or PC  stuck next to your TV  with a short  VGA cable.? And are you using an equally short 3.5 mm audio jack.? If so then you need to liberate your hardware back to your desk where it belongs and use a wireless solution.

With all this in mind we need to keep it all simple… very simple…and cost efficient at the same time.

This is not the platform to review these products in detail. This is where you can do your own simple research before you decide to commit.

These are USB wireless solutions with straight forward installs.

These products from Q-waves allow for wireless streaming from your laptop or PC to your TV, plain and simple.
The base station sits at the TV with a choice of VGA or HDMI connection along with a standard 3.5 mm audio jack from the base station to the audio in on the TV.


This is ideal for viewing films & TV programmes from web sites such as BBC iPlayer and most Internet TV websites. Watch TV and work at the same time from a Laptop or PC by using the "Extended Mode".

And for HDTV… still plain and simple.

This product is ideal for wirelessly streaming Internet TV programmes in HD from web sites such as BBC iPlayer, SKYPlayer. Whilst streaming content to an HDTV continue using your Laptop or PC for work or leisure including the Internet - both at the same time!

For a PC solution this is not a  field of dreams. I use Q-waves and it works, plain and simple.

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